placetobe is a multi-platform mobile app that recommends you plans to make with your friend groups based on your geolocation, prefeences and budget matches. You could say it’s the Tinder of plans. Although, you can organize and share your calendars together and discover new plans and places near you.
Studio services
Creative direction
Art direction
Web and app design (UX&UI)
Interaction design
Alex Jaumandreu
Joseba Alonso
Misti Peinado
María Comella
Creative direction
Art direction
Web and app design (UX&UI)
Interaction design
Alex Jaumandreu
Joseba Alonso
Misti Peinado
María Comella
placetobe App
A social network app based on plans and your spare time schedule. El Tinder de planes.
A social network app based on plans and your spare time schedule. El Tinder de planes.